Saturday, December 5, 2020

Grandpa's Stew


1 large chuck roast

2 cans fire roasted tomatoes

4 cans French onion soup (I use homemade and 1 quart)

2 T Worcestershire 

2 cloves garlic

2–3 onions in chunks

1 pkg of sliced mushrooms

3–4 celery stalks, diced

  1. Preheat oven to 275 degrees (or 300 if your oven doesn't go that low.
  2. Heat dutch oven on cooktop, medium heat; add Worcestershire and garlic.
  3. Brown roast on both sides.
  4. Add tomatoes and French onion soup.
  5. Add onion chunks, sliced mushrooms, diced celery.
  6. Put in oven and cook all day (at least 6 hours) or until roast is fall-apart tender.
  7. Serve over egg noodles or mashed potatoes.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Jalapeno Cheddar Biscuits

1 1/3 C all-purpose flour
1/4 C polenta or fine milled corn meal
3 T sugar
2 t baking powder
1/2 t salt
Pinch cayenne pepper
1 1/2 C shredded sharp cheddar cheese
2 T diced fresh jalapeños (more or less to taste)
3/4 C + 2 T heavy cream or half and half

1. Preheat oven to 350°.
2. Mix all ingredients. 
3. Drop in heavy tablespoonfuls on cookie sheet.
4. Bake for 15 minutes.

Wine Bar French Onion Soup

This makes between nine and ten quarts. I can about half in the quart jars and the rest in pint jars. I use it to cook with sometimes and like the heavy beef flavor. 

6 each large red, white, and sweet yellow onions, sliced thin
6 sticks butter
2 T of sugar
12 cups of beef stock
3 cups of dry white wine or sherry
6 bay leaves
3 T dried thyme (or 6 T fresh thyme sprigs)

I have to do this in three batches.

1. Melt two sticks of butter in deep sauté pan.
2. Add in 1/3 of onions.
3. Sauté on low heat until all onions are soft and starting to carmelize (about forty-five minutes); sprinkle with sugar and stir.
4. Add one cup white wine or sherry (I use a half cup of each); sprinkle with thyme and add two bay leaves).
5. Bring to boil until alcohol cooks off (maybe five minutes).
6. Add four cups of beef stock and cook for another fifteen minutes so flavors can meld.

If we’re eating it as soup, I’ll heat up one quart and add at least a cup of water, sometimes two depending on taste. Toast four or five slices of French bread (I brush on olive oil and broil it). Dish soup into crocks, place the toasted bread on top, and then top with slices of cheese. We use Swiss most often since we usually have it on hand. The traditional recipe calls for gruyere. I put the crocks on a cookie sheet and put it under the broiler for a minute or two to melt the cheese.

Saturday, January 11, 2020




Black's seasoning
2–2.5 lb brisket
1 C water
3 T liquid smoke

1. Season with Black's.
2. Add 1 C of water and 3 T liquid smoke to pressure cooker.
3. Place brisket in fat side up.
4. Pressure cook for 45 minutes. Let sit for 15. Remove from pressure cooker.